Friday, September 02, 2005

Kanye West-Bush Hates Black People

I can't believe that Kanye West had the unmitigated gall to say,"George Bush doesn't care about black people". This was supposed to be a benefit to raise money for all the people devestated by Katrina. Kanye spoiled it by getting on his soap box and trying to turn it into a racial thing. Well I've got news for you Mr. West, it isn't about black or white, Katrina didn't just spew her wrath on the black people, this is the worst natural disaster this country has ever seen and it has affected all people, regardless of race!

I have never heard Mr. Bush say anything about not caring for black people, in fact I seem to recall that President Bush played a key role in bringing all of America together after 911. We are not black or white -- we are Americans. Let's pull together in this crisis!

I think the only thing that Kanye West showed us on National TV was the fact that he is a fool, and he has no place on a soap box because he doesn't speak very well and he certainly doesn't speak the truth!


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