Friday, September 16, 2005

The Pledge of Allegiance

Considering all the things that are going on in this country today, do we really need to be fighting over the Pledge of Allegiance? Come on now Mr. Newdow; get a clue! There are hurricanes, wars, high gas prices terrorism and a plethora of other things to worry about in the United States that are much more important than two words!


I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands; one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

I seem to remember that we have been down this road before and Michael Newdow dragged his case all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. The case was dismissed because he did not have legal custody of his daughter on whose behalf he had sued.

Here’s a solution, how about if we continue to say the Pledge of Allegiance in our schools but when we get to the phrase, “one nation under God”, if someone objects to saying that then they may remain silent during that sentence! That way everyone wins, we still get to pledge and we respect the right of the students who don’t believe in God.

In these troubled times this country needs to pull together not squabble over the little things. Personally, I am a Christian and a Veteran and I take offense to people who dishonor our country by not reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.

I hope to seem many comments on this post.


At 6:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The problem I have with the under God part is it was put in by the Knights of Columbus and Congress to thumb their noses at the evil Godless Commies in the 50s. They need to go back to it as written "I pledge allegience to my flag and the country for which it stands. One nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all". As it stands Congress HAS unconstituionally established religion thru the phrase (Congress shall make no law establishing a religion), try subsituting "Under Allah" "Under Zeus" "under The Great Goddess" and see how far it takes you. I know way too many kids who've been beaten up on the playground when they didn't say it, just stood at attention and other kids who's teachers had a hissy fit and called in the parents and gave everyone a hard time when they wouldn't recite it in its entirety and just dropped the under God phrase.

Heck, we had the blasted county commisioners refuse to hear our complaint about the garbage rates becasue hubby, while he stood at attention, didn't recite the pledge with everyone else. Hubby is Canadian so feels it would be wrong to recite it without citizenship. I recite the original pre-KC one and I get the dirtiest looks and then get even dirty looks when I say Under the Great Goddess next time around. Okay, since Under God means everyones gods regardless who they worship, why the hissies when I specify the one I worship the most. I'm pagan, not Christian so I should be able to say the name of my Goddess and Gods, just like the Christians do in the KC version.

So lets start a movement to bring back the original with his original wording and intent (the author wanted to add the word "equality", but knew he couldn't get away with at the time because no way the Powers that Be were going to acknowledge that women and blacks had any equal standing): "I pledge allegience to my flag and the country for which it stands. One nation, indivisble, with liberty, equality and justice for all"

At 6:43 PM, Blogger Scooter McGavin said...

As a Christian and a Republican I must say I could care less. My life will not change if the phrase is taken back out nor is my life going to be better if it left in. But the truth of the matter is that we are not "One nation under God." I have no stats in front of me but I would go out on a limb and say close to 25% of American are not Christian and to force that those people to say it seems wrong to me. And for your suggestion of "just not say the sentence" is ludicrous because they would still have to stand and listen to it and being it school, mocked for not doing it. As Americans, we shouldn't have political symbols that are divisive instead they should unite us. And as a Christian we should respect people of other religions and beliefs. Keep in mind there is a reason why you don’t hear anyone complain about the National Anthem.

And furthermore, what would be your position if you child was forced to say “One nation under Allah (or Yahweh, Buddha, Jehovah, etc.)” everyday at school?

Scooter McGavin's 9th Green

At 10:19 PM, Blogger -E said...

Unfortunately the remaining silent thing doesn't fix the problem. Even in Congress if that part is not said aloud by the one leading the pledge, someone always has the record changed to reflect that it is said. If that happens in our government, can you imagine the flak children get for it?

I agree that there are much more pressing concerns right now, but being silent doesn't fix this one.


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